He called again and, I told him that, I was not feeling good so we would talk later. He asked me what happened, I didn't tell him and kept pestering me. He just didn't buzz nor did I.

But, he could easily make out from my voice that something was wrong.

Giving up, he engaged me in some casual talk.

Which eventually made my mood lighter, some time later, I was giggling on his poor jokes.

He kept me talking and in the flow, I told him everything, I was not aware when I told him the facts and shared some secrets with him. It felt normal, rather it was all flowing out. And, with every word, he was making me feel better. Somehow, out of nowhere, I just knew I could trust him. I could open my heart to him.

He comforted me like my mother. When I poured my heart to him, it was a liberating and relaxing moment. And, if you ask me, I will designate that very moment, when I knew I could trust him, as the beginning of our relationship.


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