Oh c’mon what’s taking you forever to decide? It’s just a party I doubt there would  be so much crowd. "You never go out and you’re such a sweet soul. The world needs to see that part " Says Ene,my friend who has been in my life for as long as I can remember but knows almost nothing... like an Outlander.
But did I say Yes? Yes I did,the weakest yes I’ve ever said in my entire life🤦🏽‍♀️.But she’s right, I need to go out more,even after all what I’ve been through alone.Not because there wasn’t anyone to share it with but because I just couldn’t bring myself to open up.
Ohhhh I’m Emily but people I like call me lily,and I don’t like a lot of people so....
"The party" or not really a party, was during the weekend and we were just at the Tuesday part of the week . I did not look forward to it at all because I don’t really need to plan an outfit because Luckily for me I’m among the category of people that effortlessly slay. Oh well,whatever that means.
The week sped so fast and before I knew it Ene was blasting her car horn at my gate,blowing up my phone to hurry out.
Got in the car,but she wasn’t the one driving,saw a guy I’ve never seen with her ever in the driver's seat and they seemed acquainted,so I hoped in and we drove to the party location.Mind you I had no idea what the reason for this party was,but I was quite impressed. The crowd wasn’t so much like she’d said it would be but it had an air of maturity and networking sort of.So I walked to the bar got drinks,Lest I forget,I’m a professional drinker,I would drink the whole bottle of Remy martin without having to teeter. Lol.
Ene didn’t leave my sight although she gave me space to mingle and Coalesce .I had a few conversations,exchanged a few business cards and never my personal much for mingling yeah.
The night wasn’t a blur and I didn’t regret I was there but it had to come to an end either ways.
We went home for the night and I spent the night at Ene’s. We stayed up having random conversations and gossiping whoever came to our minds.
Stayed there the whole weekend and went home to prepare for another week of work routine.
          Ene has just zoomed off when I got a new mail notification but I wasn’t ready to deal with work then so I didn’t open it,and eventually forgot about it all together.
Another week passed .Went to work and then I had to open my mails then I saw it.
It stood out because it’s subject was quite eye catching.It said “PARTY OVER THE BAR” so I opened it and it was a dinner invitation to one of my favorite restaurants which I’d fantasized having a date in. This must be a catfish,I thought to myself..There was an address, A reservation number and time,tried to reply the mail but it kept bouncing back,and I was frantic and skeptical.
At first, I thought to myself, this is totally weird and dangerous; then I thought this is nice and mysterious;then I thought I’m not going,no way am I going,then I thought again,maybe I should oh.It’s a well visited place and they’d be people around if there isn’t anyone I’ll leave.
That’s how I spent the whole day,arguing with myself by myself.
I showed up,gave my reservation infos and was taken to my table.Just then did I meet him,but I couldn’t remember knowing him although his face looked rather familiar but a hazy kind of familiar.
Got to the table,got comfortable and he spoke.Eeessshhhhhh,he should have kept mute because I’m a sucker for a masculine voice,tuned to perfection.He said,"I’m sorry I had to pull up on you that way,I got your email from your card someone dropped by accident.I knew it was yours because I watched you when you were talking to this fellow,I’m Dayo". Then it came back to me. I remembered where I had seen him. Yup you’re right that party.He has one of those faces you can’t really forget,well I forgot because I had zeroed out on men,and honestly I’m here just to feed my curiosity,I’ll probably not talk to him after tonight but hey,there’s good food and a standby chef.He’s lucky I’m a sucker for the good things of life.😄
          We got talking,he somehow knew what to say,when to stop talking and listening (not like I was doing a lot of talking anyways),but I noticed he looked me straight in the eye when I talk,and that’s one of my “live by rules”that’s a Perk for him,not that I’m considering seeing him again though.
Great dinner,great company,I must admit.I never let a man drive me home,especially a man I’m certain I’m not seeing anymore or at least at this particular time I’m certain,so I took an Uber and I had a good night sleep, waking up with enough Vigor....






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