(Q) Good day ma'am please tell us about you 
(A) Thank you my name is Miss Adeoye Etanami, my discipline as a personnel is flight attendant 
my hobbies are watching movie’s, listening to music, reading and traveling, the things that interest me are meeting people and adventures 
(Q) What was your first impression about your partner?
(A) At first my partner was calm and calculated  
(Q) What did you like or love about your partner?
(A) What I liked about him was the fact that I could relate with him
(Q) How did the relationship start?
(A) We started as friends 
(Q) Are you happy with the intimacy you share?
(A) The intimacy was good but at some point we lost touch and things went sour..
(Q) Do you feel the same the way you felt for your partner at the beginning of the relationship?
(A) With time my interest changed,I guess what I meant by that is that reality set in
(Q) If you could date one celebrity, who would it be and why?
(A) If i could date any celebrity it would yomi black,he’s calm and real
(Q) What's the weirdest dream you've had?
(A) The weirdest dream I have had was getting married to a crush
(Q) When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
(A)  Have always wanted to explore the world be a traveler
(Q) If you had to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
(A) Fifty shades of grey
(Q) Talk about the story of your first kiss?
(A) My first kiss was fast and freaky,it was more like a quickie,but it was perfect 
(Q) What would your perfect date be?
(A) My perfect date would be sitting out by the sea side on a cold evening with some candle light dinner and just watch the sun set


  1. This girl fine oh crave hood people please drop number of this girl, she's fine abeg

  2. For real please drop numbers, you promised us hook up lol

  3. Just her honesty that is what gets to me I hope one girl talks about me like this one day


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